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Hello! My name is Mia Moen, and I'm a junior at Berkeley College studying General Business. This semester I have taken the course Business Intelligence and Analytics, and have decided to compare internet usage with happiness on a global level using Tableau for our ASL project. On this blog you'll be thoroughly lectured in my findings, and I hope it can be of interest to see what I have come up with!   Mia Moen Berkeley College '21

Description of Project

With the levels of complexity surrounding this project, there are several things I feel like I have to address concerning my data sources, findings, and dashboard . First and foremost, international data collection is a difficult process even for huge organizations. In several countries it is difficult to collect data due to several reasons ranging from conflicts to political restrictions to low response rates ( ). For example the African country Western Sahara is often not included in data collections, and the country is caught in a politically driven conflict with neighboring countries. Thus only 153 countries are represented in my findings, as I only could find sustainable data for these countries. Some countries where represented on the happiness index but not on the internet usage index, and vice versa. The small island nations in O

Why Mental Health

During the first class of the semester we were told to introduce ourselves to the class, a fairly normal procedure in college. Name, major, hobbies, and a cause we care for. While I had introduced myself in roughly fifteen classes prior to this semester, I had never once been asked to tell about a cause I care for. However, without missing a beat I said “mental health”.  Too many of us will experience some kind of mental disorder throughout our lives, and will often be left facing the consequences alone. While we understand that physical illnesses such as cancer requires to be detected and treated quickly, there seems to be a misconception that mental illnesses such as depression don’t require the same treatment. One can die of either one, and both are in my eyes equally as important. We even have a healthcare system that doesn’t take humans seriously when they need help, and I think that unfortunately this has a lot to do with a lack of understanding. Mental health needs attention,

The Work of Non-Profits in NYC

As a self-proclaimed mental health advocate, I think it's important to highlight the valuable work of non-profits in my area. New York City can be a very stressful place, and with such a high population I know that statistically very many are struggling maintaining a healthy mind. It truly makes me happy to see that we have so many organizations working hard to provide excellent help for everyone from the teenager struggling with anxiety, to the retiree feeling depressed. While we fortunately have several great organizations, I chose to highlight the work of the three major ones we have; Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS)   “MHANYS is a not-for-profit organization that works to end the stigma against mental illness and promotes mental health wellness in New York State. MHANYS achieves this through training, education, advocacy and policy, community-based partnership programming, and by connecting individuals and families to hel

Link to Tableau Project

Image!/vizhome/TableauProjectMiaMoenMidterm/Introduction?publish=yes While the first six slides are the dashboards with overall information from the different continents, the  36 different worksheets are still interesting to have a look at and therefore attached.  Mia Moen Berkeley College '21


I am very critical when it comes to finding information online, and it was therefore very important for me to find sources I could feel comfortable trusting. Initially I wanted to compare internet usage with suicide rates globally, however as I didn't find a good source for the latter I decided to change that aspect of my project. I have two data sources that I have used, joined, and merged - about internet usage and happiness.   For the numbers on internet usage I decided to go the numbers I got off The Telecommunication Development Sector, which I was directed to on Wikipedia’s page about global internet usage (got the link from the references of said article). This is another organization that cultivates credibility, as they are the leading organization working on collecting data concerning internet usage. They are a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies.   (


So I figured it would be interesting to show the conclusion in the beginning, just to give an overview. It is way too much to go into detail on, I'll do that by continent further down in this post, however it is interesting to see the relationship between internet usage and happiness. This graph is by country, and at first glance there seems to be somewhat of a correlation between the ranking (with exceptions). It will be interesting to see more intro detail when I go by continent.  Here is a picture providing a visualization of the bars. When looking at the map there are several similarities, the countries ranking high for internet usage usually ranks high for happiness, and the other way around. From first glance I see this especially in many parts of Europe and Africa. Now let's get into the continents: Here we see the bar for Africa, and as you can see the rankings start high. This is something I have explained in my post discussing the data, but I will su